Concrete fence design 4 | Beves
Concrete fence design 4

Concrete fence design 4

Concrete fence design 4 is made up of brick type building modules. The sharp edges are incorporated into the fence so as not to give a splintering impression. On the contrary, they are something unconventional and give a sleek effect to the whole wall at the end. The concrete fence can be softened with floral decorations that are guaranteed to brighten up the fence. The top slab is flat.

Available heights: 1,00 m
2,00 m
  1,50 m
2,50 m
Available colors

Basic components of a concrete fence

Concrete slotted post for 2,0 m fence (280 cm) - smooth

A concrete post used in the course of a concrete fence; the concrete slabs are slid into it from both sides. It can be used mainly as a screen, because most people have an eye height just up to the height of the 2 m fence.

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Available colors Price - VAT exclusive / VAT inclusive
461 Kč / 558 Kč
546 Kč / 661 Kč
586 Kč / 709 Kč
586 Kč / 709 Kč
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Technical information
Width 12 cm
Height 275 cm
Thickness 11 cm
Weight 75 kg
Packed on a pallet
Count 20 KP
Weight max 1500 kg
Dimension 275 x 80 cm

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+ -
Available colors Price - VAT exclusive / VAT inclusive
365 Kč / 442 Kč
467 Kč / 565 Kč
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Technical information
Width 200 cm
Height 50 cm
Thickness 4.5 cm
Weight 75 kg
Packed on a pallet
Count 20 KP
Weight max 1500 kg
Dimension 200 x 120 cm