Concrete fence design 1 | Beves
Concrete fence design 1

Concrete fence design 1

Split stone in design 1 is a modern and very striking feature of the property boundary. It is especially suited to locations where you want to demonstrate the exclusivity of the design and accentuate the style of a simple concept. It differs from the other designs by the top slab, which in this case is topped in a fancy arch giving a lavish impression. 

Available heights: 1,00 m (1,11 m)
2,00 m (2,11 m)
  1,25 m (1,36 m)
2,25 m (2,36 m)
  1,50 m (1,61 m)
2,25 m (2,61 m)
1,75 m (1,86 m)
Available colors

Basic components of a concrete fence

Concrete slab flat

Basic building element of a fence, used as a fill throughout the length of a concrete fence. Can be combined with a finishing top panel (arch, semi-transparent grid). One side has a pattern of chipped stone, the other side is smooth.

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Available colors Price - VAT exclusive / VAT inclusive
345 Kč / 417 Kč
413 Kč / 500 Kč
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Technical information
Width 200 cm
Height 50 cm
Thickness 4.5 cm
Weight 75 kg
Packed on a pallet
Count 20 KP
Weight max 1500 kg
Dimension 200 x 120 cm

Concrete slotted post for 2,0 m fence (280 cm) - smooth

A concrete post used in the course of a concrete fence; the concrete slabs are slid into it from both sides. It can be used mainly as a screen, because most people have an eye height just up to the height of the 2 m fence.

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+ -
Available colors Price - VAT exclusive / VAT inclusive
461 Kč / 558 Kč
546 Kč / 661 Kč
586 Kč / 709 Kč
586 Kč / 709 Kč
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Technical information
Width 12 cm
Height 275 cm
Thickness 11 cm
Weight 75 kg
Packed on a pallet
Count 20 KP
Weight max 1500 kg
Dimension 275 x 80 cm